Follow along on Facebook!
- 6th: Dance Classes Resume
- 11th: CYDT
- 16th: Recital Fee Due
- 24th: Star Talent Fees Due
- 31st- Feb 2nd: Endless Talent Convention and Competition @ Spartanburg Marriot
- 8th: Second Annual Daddy Daughter Sweetheart Dance at MMSD (4:30-6pm)
- 8th: CYDT (6-7:30PM)
- 1st: CYDT
- 2nd: Charles Lea Center Fundraiser @ Broome High School
- 7th-9th: Endless Talent Convention and Competition @ Spartanburg Marriot
- 28th-30th: Star Talent Competition @ Twitchell Auditorium
- 31st: Picture Week
- 1st-3rd: Picture Week
- 7th-11th: Spring Break – No Class
- 26th: CYDT
- 7th: Dress Rehearsal
- 9th: Dress Rehearsal
- 10th: Dance Recital @ Broome High School
- 2nd-6th: Oh WOW! Luau! (Ages 3-9)
- 9th-13th: Dancing with My Dollie: Princess Academy (Ages 3-5)
- 9th-13th: Dance Intensive: A Wickedly Good Time! (Ages 7-12+)
- 16th-20th: Flip & Fly Cheer Camp (Ages 4-12+)
- 23rd-27th: Miss Marion’s Day Spa (Ages 4-7+)
- 14th-18th: Ice Cream Shops and Lollipops (Ages 3-9)
- Dickens of a Christmas Spartanburg
- Dancing with the Spartanburg Stars
- Paint Our Town Pink: Support for Breast Health Awareness Funds
- McCarthy Teszler Holiday Show
- Performances at White Oak
- Cribb’s Kitchen Burger Cook-Off benefiting the Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas
- International Festival
- Spring Fling
- Performance for the patients/employees at Gibb’s Cancer Center
- Performance at the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Hospice Home
- Charles Lee Center Foundation Road Rally